Diversity Job Network Blog

What's new in employment? We are bringing you the latest news, tips and tricks in your search for employment!
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9 Simple Steps to Updating Your Resume to Stand Out

9 Simple Steps to Updating Your Resume to Stand Out

Are you wanting to give your career a major boost?

If so, you're not alone. After all, there are more opportunities now than ever before, making this the perfect time to get out there are turn your dreams into reality....

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How to Find a Job Fast

How to Find a Job Fast

If you lose your job, your expenses will not go away. They add up and plunge some people into debt. Unemployed workers often make difficult decisions about what to keep and give up.

Finding a job fast solves this problem. A new job lets you keep up with costs and grow your career.

Wondering how to find a ...

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How to Prepare for a Job Interview

How to Prepare for a Job Interview

Did you know, in August 2021 there were around 8.6 million people out of work and 10 million job openings? That's about 1.5 million more jobs than there are workers. 

Since then, this trend has o...

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